(“A place of mystery in the dark”
for everyone
Not scared at all but “where some people want to go”)
Caves are fascinating. All of us are looking for certain things in life. Sometimes we don't even realize what some of these things are. Next time you go into a cave, ask yourself what you are looking for; what do you want out of the cave? I think I have the answer: you are looking for adventure -- and you find it. You go for adventure. Don't tell me it isn’t adventure to crawl through or immerse you in some underground stream, because if it isn't adventure, then somebody's off his or her rocker.
Deep underground, in the hollows of mountains of Samar, where light won’t go, the man himself Mr. Joni Bonifacio, he made his home and dreams at that. And sure enough, “There’s something warped about a person’s interests to have a passion for caves. It’s in his genes.” Joni is a refined, eccentric, eclectic and fascinating man, and he really loves caves. The primary purpose of his organization “TREXPLORE” is to be a record keeping. It’s a labor of love; and there is a balance that must be struck between disseminating information and limiting human traffic in caves. Joni says, that caves are a valuable, limited and nonrenewable resource. “Once its destroyed, it’s gone,” Caves are formed slowly over thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of years. You can find serenity in caves; it’s a peacefulness that envelops in the inner self. It’s a magical place…the age of it, the shapes and the form of it…it’s a peace that you can’t find on the surface, where there is life and activity all around. It’s an appreciation that hold for a remarkable place, like a cathedral.”
For more years that have been leading caving trips. One of the favorite areas is in Samar Island Philippines. The Samar Island offers visitors a myriad of Caves to explore. Located in the eastern part of the Philippines. This place has over more caves and is in the heart of the cavers, a CAVING CAPITAL OF THE PHILIPPINES. Some of the Caves in Samar are well developed with large passages and more than of these caves are over ten miles long. It includes thousands of cave maps, and cave descriptions. Cave surveying and map making is basic exploration of large cave systems. Caving is a great hobby for adventurers who aren't afraid of tight spaces, heights, darkness, and bugs”. The Samar caves and karst, and there is a map, glossary and illustrations. It is an invaluable reference work for anyone interested in limestone caves and karst, archaeology, conservation, geomorphology, geology, history etc, as well as for the sporting caver who wants to learn more about Samar caves.
During summer, some of the French and Italian cavers led by Joni Bonifacio, will do some expedition in Samar Island in a month-long in Can-Yawa Cave in Calbiga “The Can-Yawa Cave Expedition”, Macatingal Cave in Calbiga, Las Navas, Northern Samar, in exploring the 3-kilometer cave. Contrary to its name, the said cave actually has a length of 8-kilometers, the “Maybug Sulpan Cave” in Matuguinao, Samar. An 8-km river cave and “Katiklihan Cave” measuring 1-km and 121m. The Italian group and a team of experts in surveying various caves in Northern (Las Navas) and Western Samar (Jiabong), during the expedition, the Robin's Cave in Las Navas was discovered, the deepest cave in the whole country. It measured of 6 km in length and 190m depths into the ground. They also visited the “Lobo Cave” and “Panaghoyan Cave” in Jiabong, and it measured 5 km and 900 m. Another expedition in Maslog Eastern Samar and San Jorge Samar and discovered 5 caves: “Bagoy”, “Mercing”, “Jaime”, “Zoo” and “Bai-ang Caves”. And also visited the “Sulpan Pinipisakan Caves” in San Jorge Samar, and took some photos for documentation.
More than 100 caves have been explored and catalogued since then, and with more than 1,000 caves still to be explored, and more than thousands known caves in Samar Island has more caves than any other countries. Rock formations will delight and excite the more adventurous visitor. There are organized expeditions in the Samar Island Caves, and you can rest assured only the best equipment and most experienced guides are used.
Walking passages, crawlways, mud rooms, waterfalls, streams, formations. You will probably run into all of these and more with the cavers. Not really, but you sure will fell like you are if you try the exciting sport of caving with high adventures. As if there weren't enough to do around the outpost, the limestone ridges area are countries-renowned for spelunking (that’s cave talk for caving) and we'd love to share the wonders of this fascinating area with you “THE SAMAR ISLAND CAVES”. Your group can experience the thrill of descending into massive caverns, complete with subterranean natural bridges, soaring domed ceilings and exquisite stalactite and stalagmite formations (we'll even teach you which grow upward and which grow downward). The sparkling lakes, awesome caves and spectacular landscapes and the ever-surprising flora and fauna make hiking through these; an experience of a lifetime, especially when the people is so closely linked with the traditions of yesteryear, and be cultures that have survived the test of time. While the nature lover has more than enough opportunities to explore of it to the mans heart's content, the more adventurous visitor will be amazed at what Samar Island Caves have to offer, and will certainly find that simply won't have the time to try all that is on offer.
Calling all you cavers! Samar Island has some amazing caves and cave systems. Some have been explored and charted but most remain undeveloped. These caves are among the most significant and spectacular in the country. Samar offer a wide variety of caving experiences even for the beginners as well as the intermediate spelunker, and guarrantees you a most fascinating experience underground.



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Samar (island))
The location of the island of Samar
Samar is an island in the Visayas, which is in the central Philippines. The island is divided into three provinces: Samar province, Northern Samar, and Eastern Samar. These three provinces, along with the provinces on nearby island of Leyte and Biliran are part of the Eastern Visayas region.
Samar is the easternmost island in the Visayas. The island is separated from Leyte by the San Juanico Strait, which at its narrowest point is only about two kilometers across. This strait is crossed by the San Juanico Bridge. Samar lies southeast of the Bicol Peninsula on Luzon, the country's largest island; the San Bernardino Strait separates the two. To the south of Samar is the Leyte Gulf, the site of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, one of the most decisive naval battles during the Second World War. The gulf opens out into the Philippine Sea, found to the east of Samar and is part of the Pacific Ocean.
The SAMAR ISLAND offers the most intricate yet thrilling eco-tourism sites that no other place could possibly match.
With its hard enthusing contoured terrains and mountain slopes, Samar Island can give everyone the tryst of their lives showcasing what others describe as the paradise underneath the earth.
But exploring Samar Island doesn’t end by viewing its charms and splendor, we showcase things that would endlessly remain in your experience, our culture and traditions, our religiosity, and most of all our struggle to protect mother nature.
Thus, when you wrapped up your mind for a rendezvous with nature, or a historical yet rational jaunt, Samar Island brings you the most of the ideal places to go.

Samar island, east-central Philippines, the third largest (after Luzon and Mindanao), part of the Visayas group. It lies between the Samar and Philippine seas and is separated from the Bicol Peninsula of Luzon (northwest) by the San Bernardino Strait. A bridge across the San Juanico Strait connects Samar with Leyte to the southwest. Samar lacks the high mountains that characterize…
LONELY PLANET (Travel Book) Published June 2006 9TH EDITION
GETTING STARTED .. Top Tens page 16
Thrills & Activites
Due to its great diversity of natural terrain, the Philippines is a natural venue for all sorts of outdoor and adventure sports. Indeed, only Indonesia can compare with the Philippines for the title of ‘adventure sports capital of southeast Asia’.
* Explore the uncharted caves and underground rivers of central Samar (p350)
Discover a world of beguiling beauty of lowland tropical rainforest, magnificent cave cathedrals, criss-crossing and underground river , mysterious sinkholes, majestic waterfalls, shooting rapids and gurgling brooks, infinite shorlines, amazing rock formation.Samar Island, paradise for rare and beautiful birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and plants. Blessed with rich fishing grounds sustaining communities. Home to a sturdy and fun-loving race of people proud of their rich history and culture.Come and experience Samar Island, dance the kuratsa, savor our seafoods, follow the forest trails, explore the secrets of our caves, comb our beaches, take a refreshing dip in our falls. AN ECO-ADVENTURE AWAITS YOU . .
I warmly welcome you to the ISLAND OF SAMAR.
Our Island is rich in waterfalls,beaches,springs,caves and other awesome places that can compare or even outclass other destinations for tourist. We don't only offer these beautiful sceneries to those who come but we also offer a kind of hospitality that only the samareños could give.
Coming over to our Island will also be another experience for we can be reached by land,by sea and by air.
With this Website, we hope to provide you with the utmost convenience you deserve as you explore our island.
Have a wonderful stay with us and bring home with you the beauty of Samar Island and the friendly hospitality of our people.
Company Profile
Trexpore: The Adventure began with a group of adventurous friends who were united in their love of nature and their vision to help preserve the environment by utilizing its eco-tourism potential. In the year 2000, they formally organized themselves to pool their talents and skills into providing exploration and tour services for Samar.
The Team:
Joni A. Bonifacio – Team Leader / Explorer
Sherwin Orbeta – Explorer
Ryan Macariola – 1st Aide/Medic
Aron Garcia – Diver/Researcher
To provide quality exploration and tour services, and be a partner in progress of Samar, helping preserve the environment by utilizing its eco-tourism potential, thereby also providing livelihood opportunities and improving the quality of life of Samareños.
To be the top exploration and tour services company that helped make Samar Island the top tourist destination in the Philippines and also a world class tourist destination.
1. Inventory – exploration and inventory of caves, falls, springs, mountains, rivers, beaches, historical landmarks, and cultural traditions that are potentials for tourism development
2. Documentation – documentation by photographs, maps and other useful information on the area
3. Promotion – digital printing of pictures, brochures, tarpaulins and newsprint; website exposure; tourism conventions
4. Tour Guiding – tour packages for every destination
5. Guide Training – organizing, training and orientation of local tourist guides
6. Tour de Samar - Cycling around Samar Island in 15 days
LONELY PLANET (Travel Book) Published June 2006 9TH EDITION
SAMAR..Catbalogan & Around page 351
Trexplore,a one-man operation run by the entrepreneurial and engaging Joni A. Bonifacio (Tel:063-055-2512301, Cell: 0919-2943865;; Abesamis Store,Allen Ave),is the only outfit qualified to lead trips to caves,rivers and gorges all over Samar Island. An avid and passionate mountain biker, Joni can tailor trips to about any specification,however it's best to make arrangement well in advance.
Tourist and Visitors SAMAR ISLAND
Trexplore The Adventure
Joni Bonifacio is fascinated with the unknown, always curious to discover what amazing things existed beyond his place in Samar Island. He developed an early interest in caves when he discovered that he could do the extraordinary to dig into the caves.
Cavers and Spelunkers everywhere had been to Samar caves are grateful for Joni’s tenacity, for it was that determination that later paved the way for some of the greatest discoveries in one of the world's greatest caves in Samar.
Joni was born on September 28, 1978 in Catbalogan Samar, Philippines. After completing high school in his hometown, Joni went on to Cebu to earn a degree, BS Biology in Cebu Doctors' College (School Year 1995 – 2001). Shortly thereafter, he went back to Samar to engage full time in spelunking.
In 1993, he started exploring when he was still in high school in a way of joining the Boys Scout jamborees, outings with peers.
In his college days, he joined the CDC Mountaineering Club as a freshman, with the most of the senior members in the said club that are already graduated and exploring different sites both in and outside of Cebu City, Philippine. Among the important expeditions he had undertaken as a freelancer were the highest peaks in the three major islands of the Philippines such as:
Mt. Apo, (Davao) – March 25 – 27, 2000
Mt. Canlaon (Negros Occidental) – October 17 – 20, 2000
Mt. Pulag (Benguet) – January 21 – 22, 2003
Mt. Kinabalu (Malaysia) - September 25 - 26, 2008
In 1995, he formed the “TEKKERS”, an informal group engaged in exploring into different sites in Samar which are mostly undiscovered but has a large ecotourism potential.
In 2000, he changed the name “TEKKERS” into “TREXPLORE”, as a formal business venture engaged in tour guiding, tourism inventory, cave exploration. Joni spent every available weekend exploring caves near his place in some caves found in Samar.
In March 16 – April 20, 2002, he was recruited or even requested to participate and assisted the French caver Jean Paul Sounier and his team in a week-long expedition in Can-Yawa cave in Calbiga “The Can-Yawa Cave Expedition”.
In March 4 – 9, 2004, he led into another cave expedition in Macatingal Cave in Calbiga, with Jean Paul Sounier's team. This time, they were also joined by Italian team and led by explorer Matteo Rivadossi.
In March 18 – April 3, 2004, he led the same contingent in Las Navas, Northern Samar, in exploring the 3-kilometer cave. Contrary to its name, the said cave actually has a length of 8-kilometers.
In April 26 – May 9, 2005, he led another group of French cavers with Paul Marcel in exploring the “Maybug Sulpan Cave” in Matuguinao, Samar. An 8-km river cave and “Katiklihan Cave” measuring 1km and 121 m.
In April 1 – 27, 2006, he led the Italian group with Matteo Rivadossi, Guido Rossi and a team of experts in surveying various caves in Northern (Las Navas) and Western Samar (Jiabong). During the expedition, they discovered the Robin's Cave in Las Navas, the deepest cave in the whole country. It measured of 6 km in length and 190 m depth into the ground. They also visited the “Lobo Cave” and “Panaghoyan Cave” in Jiabong, and it measured 5 km and 900 m.
In March 14 – Apri 10, 2007, he led French group with Paul Marcel in Maslog Eastern Samar and San Jorge Samar. During the expedition, they discovered five (5) caves: “Baboy”, “Mercing”, “Jaime”, “Zoo” and “Bai-ang Caves”. In April 5-8, they also re-visited the “Sulpan Pinipisakan Caves” in San Jorge Samar, and took some photos for documentation after their 15 years, way back 1991.
Caving was not the only pursuit that piqued Joni's interest at an early age. Aside from mountaineering and spelunking, he is also a biking enthusiast.
In 1996 to 2000, he was able to tour the whole island of Samar and various parts of the Visayas (Leyte, Cebu, Biliran, Camotes, Bohol, Negros, Panay, Guimaras and Boracay)
In 2001, he was able to complete a journey from Catbalogan to Manila on board using his bike.
In September 26, 2002, he started to trek in Mindanao and visited various cities in Mindanao (Dipolog, Oroquieta, Iligan, Cagayan de Oro, Camiguin, Gingoog, Butuan, Surigao, and Siargao)
In December 13 2003, he attempted to make a tour in Luzon and ended in February 27, 2004. In this period, he had been into some places in Luzon (Baguio, Sagada, Aparri, Laoag, Vigan, San Fernando, Pangasinan, Bataan and Batangas.
In September 13, 2003, he organized the “Samar Adventure Mountain Biking Association (SAMBA)
In May 20, 2007, he was elected as President of “Samar Adventure Mountain Biking Association (SAMBA) at Buri Beach Buri Estaka, Catbalogan City, Samar Philippine. Joni remained active in cave exploration.
When not crawling around underground, he is occupied with a variety of business and tour-guide in some places in the Philippines.
Who I am and what I do:
My interest in caves began in my place in Samar Island, Philippines. Ever since, in some expedition I encountered, I observed a lot of things like (bat roost million bats, as well as menagerie of cave-adapted fish, shrimp and crabs, and cave-dwelling scorpions, tarantulas, millipedes centipedes, and beetles. I have been in numerous caves in Samar Island, Philippines.
Areas of expertise:
My experience and expertise include the following: cave survey and mapping; technical climbing and caving; spelunking, bicycling, mountaineering.
How I first became interested in this profession:
Since I was a child, I knew I had the heart of an explorer and I always had an interest in wildlife. While on my "expeditions," I studied the land, I learned how to find things beyond into it, especially with extraordinary animal inside the caves and determine where certain animals were likely to be found. Ultimately, my quest for exploration lead me into this work in ecology ultimately morphed into caves and through caves I found everything I really wanted to know what is inside the caves.
What helped prepare me for this job:
There are two things which have prepared me for my line of work: First is the training augmented by field experience, and Second is the endurance and adventure race training. Because working underground in caves can be quite challenging, I train intensively to maintain top physical condition, and train multiple events. The combination of different training, field experience and endurance training have provided me with the ability to work in the subterranean world.
What I like about my job:
Because there is so little known about caves or even cave-dwelling organisms, are constantly making new discoveries. Perhaps the most exciting aspect of my job would be making new cave discoveries. Additionally, working with a team that plans to explore some caves for extant/extinct life forms is incredibly exciting.
My advice to anyone interested in this occupation:
This is clearly the most creative and exciting job. I recommend anyone who is interested in becoming into this job to apply him or herself, find the scientific and self-discipline they love and work hard towards becoming a major contributor to that discipline. Concomitantly, students and people who love to this alike should never forget the importance of living life fully and being happy. I know many people who chose to bury themselves in their work and this makes many of them very happy. My personal philosophy is a happy life comes through mental, physical and spiritual balance. I believe everyone should challenge and push him or herself intellectually and physically, while pursuing a spiritual totem. Get out there – work hard, explore the world, explore nature, explore culture, and explore your relationships with those you encounter. Breathe deeply, acknowledge your breath, and enjoy and embrace all that life has to offer!
- Started exploring in 1993, when he was still in high school by way of Boy Scout jamborees, outings with peers. He was more focused in the Samar area during this time.
- In college, he joined the CDC Mountaineering Club as a freshman, further nurturing his interest in exploring. With most of the senior members in the said club already graduated, he set out on his own exploring different sites both in and outside of Cebu City. Among the important expeditions he had undertaken as a freelancer were the highest peaks in the three major islands of the Philippines such as:
o Mt. Apo, (Davao) – March 25-27, 2000
o Mt. Canlaon (Negros Occidental) – October 17-20, 2000
o Mt. Pulag (Benguet) – January 21-22, 2003
o Mt. Kinabalu (Malaysia) - September 25 - 26, 2008
- He went back to Samar after graduation to engage fulltime in spelunking. He formed the Trekkers in 1995, an informal group engaged in exploring different sites in Samar which are mostly undiscovered but has large ecotourism potential.
- In 2000, changed the name to Trexplore, this time as a formal business venture engaged in tour guiding, tourism inventory, cave exploration. Formed a network of contacts and clientele through e-mails and linkages with the Department of Tourism and various travel agencies.
- The Trexplore managed to form contacts with foreign explorers and experts. In March 16-April 20, 2002, he assisted French caver Jean Paul Sounier and his team in the Can-Yawa Cave Expedition in Calbiga. The said cave measured 12 kilometers long. The survey was not finished due to high water level inside the cave making it difficult for the explorers to penetrate its farther regions.
- In March 4-9 2004, he led another cave expedition in Macatingal Cave in Calbiga once again with Sounier’s team. This time, they were also joined by an Italian team led by explorer Matteo Rivadossi.
- In March 18-April 3,2004, he led the same contingent in Las Navas, Northern Samar in exploring the 3-kilometer cave. Contrary to its name, the said cave actually has a length of 8 kilometers.
- In April 26-May 9, 2005 he led another group of French cavers led by Paul Marcel in exploring the Maybug Sulpan Cave in Matuguinao,Samar. It is a river cave measuring 8 km long and Katiklihan Cave measuring 1 km and 121 m.
- In April 1-27, 2006, he led the Italian group once again led by Matteo Rivadossi,Guido Rossi and a team of experts in surveying various caves in Northern (Las Navas) and Western Samar (Jiabong). It was during this expedition that they discovered the Robin’s Cave in Las Navas, the deepest cave in the whole country. It has a measurement of 6 km in length and a depth of 190 m. They also visited the Lobo Cave and Panaghoyan Cave in Jiabong with measurements of 5 km and 900 m respectively
- In March 14-April 10, 2007, , he led French group headed by Paul Marcel in Maslog Eastern Samar and San Jorge Samar. It was during this expedition when they discovered and named five (5) caves namely; Baboy, Mercing, Jaime, Zoo and Bai-ang Caves. On April 5-8 they also re-visited Sulpan Pinipisakan Caves in San Jorge Samar to get cave photo documentation after their 15 yrs visit way back 1991.
- In March 29 to April 23,2008 he led the Italian group once again led by Matteo Rivadossi,Guido Rossi and a team of experts in surveying various caves in Taft Estern Samar and Calbiga,Samar. It was during this expedition that they discovered the Guintoble Cave in Brgy.San Rafael Taft E. Samar the hardest and dangerous cave in the whole country. It has a measurement of 4.5 km in length. In April 13- 23,2008 they also visited Brgy.Buluan in Calbiga,Samar exploring Naduian Cave 1.2 Km and Tamag Doi Doi cave 2.3 km.
- Aside from mountaineering and spelunking, he is also a biking enthusiast. From 1996 to 2002, he was able to tour the whole island of Samar and various parts of the Visayas, visiting places like Leyte, Cebu, Biliran, Camotes, Bohol, Negros, Panay, Guimaras and Boracay.
- In 2001, he was able to complete a journey from Catbalogan to Manila on board his bike. He attempted to make a tour of Luzon in December 13, 2003, which ended in February 27, 2004. In this period, he reached Baguio, Sagada, Aparri, Laoag, Vigan, San Fernando, Pangasinan, Bataan and Batangas.
- He started his tour of Mindanao in September 26, 2002, visiting various cities there like Dipolog, Oroquieta, Iligan, Cagayan de Oro, Camiguin, Gingoog, Butuan, Surigao, Siargao.
- He organized the Samar Adventure Mountain Biking Association (SAMBA) on September 13, 2003.
- He was elected as President of Samar Adventure Mountain Biking Association (SAMBA)on May 20, 2007 at Buri Beach Buri Estaka Catbalogan City.
EXPLORER: Joni Abesamis Bonifacio
Abesamis Store Allen Ave.
Catbalogan,Samar 6700
Tell: 063-055-2512301
Cell: (Smart) 0919-2943865
(Globe) 0905-3233572
Website: http:
Yahoo Messenger:
Skype: firefox3171
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